Road safety updates
Rodington Parish Council
As agreed at the last Rural Transport Working Group meeting, the Parish Clerk of Rodington Parish Council has provided some outline updates on road safety initiatives in Rodington Civil Parish.
Speed Indication Devices
Our first phase of units (2) are now ready with the supplier. We are awaiting Balfour Beatty to install their posts on the B5063 before they are sited and start measuring speeds and slowing drivers down.
Speed Data
As discussed at the last meeting we have now received the speed data taken from the speed strips installed in four areas of the parish in May 2021 by Telford & Wrekin Council. These reports are available by request to the parish clerk at:
Road Safety Scheme - Relating to A.4
An RSS is the next big step for us (the parish council) to be able to work with the Local Planning Authority to come up with and have a fully designed and thought-out plan to address road safety in all aspects across the parish. This includes reducing speed limits, installing more SID's, road markings etc. An RSS is costly, as discussed at the last meeting. And now that we have the monitoring strips data and soon some SID data to use, we have something the Highways Technical Engineers can use to design a meaningful scheme.
At the last meeting we knew this was what we wanted and we agreed to ask for it, we are pleased to inform you that the Director for Neighbourhood & Enforcement Services (which includes Highways) has agreed that Rodington will have a scheme and an officer will be in touch with us soon, however he did air on the side of caution that TWC are receiving a number of requests for support across the borough while trying to deliver improvements already prioritised for delivery this financial year. He has asked his Highways Team Leader to contact the parish council in order to progress and discuss next steps. However, says that TWC delivery teams are committed for the remainder of this financial year which will impact on their ability to deliver physical improvements in this financial year. This said, they can look to prioritise such improvements alongside other competing projects as part of the future year’s highway improvement programme.
Structural and diving inspections of Longdon upon Tern Bridge - Relating to A.6
Formal requests of these two inspections have been made to Telford & Wrekin Council. The last inspections were taken in 2020 and we have asked that they be reviewed again, and we are kept informed of dates of inspections and the subsequent reports.
Clarification over "loss of amenity" - Relating to A.1
As requested, some digging has been done into "what is the definition of loss of amenity".
Loss of amenity is applied to the planning process for the actual physical area being developed, not the route into the site.
The loss of amenity is a broad concept and is not formally defined in legislation or procedural guidance.
In planning terms, it Is often used to refer to the quality or character of an area and elements that contribute to the overall enjoyment of an area. I attach a screenshot of some guidance from the NPPF which may help.
Other matters
Requests under items A.2, A.3, A.5 are ongoing, and we hope to bring you further updates before the next meeting in November.
Contact Information
Parish Clerk
- 07948 324085
Find Rodington Parish Council
Telford, Shropshire, SY4 4QS