Road Safety Scheme Updates
Rodington Parish Council
After a frustrating length of time Telford & Wrekin Council have finally agreed to meet with Parish Council representatives to go through the list of road safety requests that residents have made.
On the 20th June 2023, the Parish Council will be meeting with Road Safety and Technical Engineers from Telford & Wrekin Council’s Highways Team. The purpose of this meeting is to present them with a list of requests from our residents who have completed the Road Safety Survey on our website and the requests that have come through the task and finish group known as the Transport Working Group.
Armed with these requests to improve road safety we expect Telford & Wrekin Council to go back and review their viability and conduct some inspections of the roads to ascertain what is achievable, we aim to ensure that all residents concerns and requests are fairly heard.
As previously reported, this scheme must be funded somehow. As it is not a Capital Scheme of the Borough Council it will not come from Capital Funds (the Borough Council’s budget). Other areas in the Borough that have had a Road Safety Scheme have had to fund this through their own Parish Precepts and this is what we will have to do if a scheme is developed. So far, all but one survey response has agreed that our precept should cover this cost to enable us to have a Road Safety Scheme. Should we fund this, it will be covered across a number of financial years to ensure that the cost is kept minimal to the annual precept per household.
Once we have held this meeting with Telford & Wrekin Council and have some feedback, an updated notice like this one shall be issued. Otherwise, please keep an eye on minutes of Parish Council meetings on our website;
Contact Information
Parish Clerk
- 07948 324085
Find Rodington Parish Council
Telford, Shropshire, SY4 4QS